Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010

Trick Fingerboard Flip and Spin

Flips n' Spins

Kickflips: Position your fingers for an ollie. Ollie up, (See above) as you start to level out the board, pull your fingers backwards (towards yourself). It should hit the side of the board closest to you. This will cause the fingerboard to spin counterclockwise towards yourself. As the board spins so that its griptape is facing up, land it with your fingers. It may help if you start to spin it before leveling out the board, giving you more time to land it properly. Make sure you don't overrotate the board. for a picture:

Heelflips: Position your fingers for an ollie. Do exactly the same thing as for a kickflip (See above) except when you make the board spin,, instead of pulling your fingers towards yourself, push your fingers out (away from yourself) in the opposite direction of the kickflip. The board should be spinning clockwise away from yourself. Land and roll away smoothly. See the picture above for a better idea of how it should be done.

Sex Change: Position your fingers for an ollie. This is basically a kickflip only whilst you are in the air, your fingers change position (from normal to fakie). Execute the same kickflip trick (see above) and twist your hand so your fingers change position. Land once the board has done a full rotation and the griptape is facing up.

Backflips: Position your fingers for an ollie. Start ollieing (See above), and do not level out your board. If you had hit the tail hard enough, and flicked it with your tail end fingers (push under the board) it should be rotating. Now, lift you fingers on the front of the board immediately, you do not want you fingers to be blocking the rotation. Lift all your fingers and let it rotate. Once it has completed a full turn, land it by pushing down with your fingers. Again, make sure you don't overrotate. for a picture:

Frontflips (Made-Up): A little something I made up =P. Position your fingers for an ollie. Start ollieing (See above), and let the board pull up to a 90 degree angle in relation to the ground. Then, quickly push forward on the nose with your index finger. If you have applied enough force, the board should be flipping forward. You want to land it as it rotates back to its upright position. Note: Do this trick very quick, as you do not want the board to overrotate backwards (backflip) or have the ollie levelling out before you do the frontflip. The rationale is that when the ollie levels out it also is losing height because of gravity. You need air to make it work. Also, frontflips maybe hard to land, if you manage to apply the same force every time then you have the trick in control.

Pop-Shove-It: Position your fingers for an ollie. Start the ollie (See above), however, make sure to not kick up the board too high, keep the board less than 45 degrees with the surface you're skating on. As you tap the tail down, keep the finger on the middle of the board there and flick the other finger (on the tail) towards yourself. The forward finger should keep the board level with the ground and create an axis point. The tail finger should have already caused the tail to spin clockwise (towards you). As it starts to spin, lift your fingers away. Once it turns back to the original position, land with your fingers and roll away smoothly. Do not overrotate, in real life if you land 90 degrees to the original direction you were travelling you would be thrown off. (Note: This trick requires very very little force. If you apply too much force to your fingers, the board will overrotate or even flip over.)

360 Shove-It: Position your fingers for an ollie. Do exactly the same thing as the Pop-Shove-It (See Above) only this time apply a little more force to your fingers. Should be twice as much force. This would cause the board to spin two times. Land it smoothly and roll away.

Backside Shove-It: Position your fingers for an ollie. Do exactly the same thing as the pop-shove-it only the board spins in the opposite direction. The tail of the board should spin away from you. Do this by pushing your tail finger out instead pulling it. Land and roll away.

900-shove-it: Position your fingers for an ollie. Do exactly the same as the pop-shove-it (see above) only it should rotate 5 times. So as a result it is 5 pop-shove-its. The only difference is this should be done with much more force compared to the shove-it.

180 Ollie: Position your fingers for an ollie. Execute the pop-shove-it only land in fakie. This can be done with more rotations (540, 900 etc). However, when you execute 360s, 720s (increments of 360) etc. you always land in the same stance as the original position, therefore there is no need for changing to fakie. Just execute 360-shove-its.

Big Spin: Position your fingers for an ollie. Now execute the 360-shove-it, while in mid air, twist your hand a bit and switch finger positions to a fakie. This would represent a skater turning his/her body 180 degrees while the board spins 360. Land in your fakie stance and roll away smoothly.

Hardflip: Position your fingers for an ollie. This is basically the heelfip (See above) and a half a backflip (See above) combined. Execute the trick like the backflip, only once the board is 90 degrees (perpendicular) to the ground, push your fingers out as to make the board spin like in a heelflip. After this, the board should be spinning vertically and rotating about its lengthwise axis. It should still be perpendicular. Then once it has done a full heelflip, level the board and land it.

Varial Kickflip: Position your fingers for an ollie. This is basically a combination of a pop-shove-it and the kickflip. Start off as a pop-shove-it (See above), only add the kickflip in by pulling your fingers in towards yourself, giving it the kickflip's rotation. The board should be spinning 180 degrees parallel to the ground while it is rotating along its horizontal axis. Wait until it reaches the position you started off in, with the griptape up and land it with your fingers. Roll away smoothly and give yourself a pat on the back for completing a difficult flip.

Varial Heelflip: See Above. Execute the same trick as the varial kickflip, only the part where you do the kickflip, replace that with the heelflip.

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